Friday, 1 March 2013

Walmart Washes its hands from Bangladesh Sweatshop Fire 2011

Bharti Walmart India played the blame game by putting the pressure on the contractors itself when they were the ones putting pressure on the contractors to get more worn done out of the workers. Because of the heavy pressure on the contractors with the "Unreasonable" pressure put on them, the workers have to work longer, and harder to get the impossible done for the same low wages they had been assigned. This is the undue pressure being put on the people who are helpless in their system so they can be used as cattle for the plain and simple purpose of profits.

The poor conditions in the factory was planted by the zionist themselves when they have been bleeding the east through the British East India company which planted its puppet government to control the masses as their slaves till the end of time. These fires have been the resultant of that same force of evil that has put these people in an elaborate trap that they can never get out from till the end of time.

The best way for the evil corporation such as Walmart is to just deny that they never knew about the poor working conditions, and it is the contractors who are responsible for this unfortunate event. However, it is the zionist behind the corporations who have been responsible for these atrocities, and they get away with murder like they have always done for hundreds of years all over the planet.

 They not only get away with putting people in Sweatshops, but they also get away with murder because they are responsible for these events to begin with. They keep pressuring their workers to do more because they want to maximize their profit by any means necessary, and manipulating the common man is the best way these monsters consider to walk up the ladder of success because the common man can be manipulated as sheep. According to their demonic mindset, the human cattle should be used the way they were meant to be used, as slaves.

Bharti Walmart India

Tommy Wade
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Thursday, 28 February 2013

Walmart seeks lower standard of life in India with predatory pricing

Bharti Walmart India is just one of the heads of the true beast that is controlling multiple corporations that are attacking the country at the same time from all directions to completely take over every thing, and the people will never be aware of what is happening to them because they will think that the system is becomeing better when everey thing is going to be ripped apart all around them. 

This is an elaborate set up being created by the Zionists which they use to entrap people into their web just because the people are nothing more than cattle to them. They use the system to feed off their blood through economic warfare, and their victims will remain helpless to fight back. This is what has been happening for many years in the past, and these monsters have gotten away with it because they use the very laws of the world to manipulate the masses. 

The more ignorant is the common man, the easier it is to control them, and manipulate them till the end of time. There are many corporations coming into the country to "invest", and they will rip apart the people because they will think that there will be more job opportunities for them but all that is happening is that their future is being sold out to the predators.

The game of economic terrorism continues as corporations like walmart, Lidl in India, ALDI, Carrefour, Tesco, and Metro AG who are just a few of the names of the companies that have been planting their roots to destroy the masses. This is a very poisonous game in which the people are being used as "Cattle" to feed the greed of the corporate machine, but it is the very people on the top that are controlling the corporate puppets and they are a single entity. They are not a nameless, or faceless corporate that is just a mask they use to hide their true evil motives.

Bharti Walmart India

Tommy Wade
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Monday, 25 February 2013

Bharti Walmart India - Economic Terrorism Continues

Bharti Walmart India is owned, and controlled by demented monsters that are hell bent to making a profit over the lives of millions of people that they destroy with procreatory pricing that they have created by installing communism in China.

  • Communism was created by Karl Marx, blood relative of the Rothschild.
  • Walmart is being funded by El Rothschild Group.
  • Chinese people enslaved through communism to be cattle for the Zionist.
  • The Chinese have been cultivated as slaves
  • India has been cultivated as slave nation with conversion into Service based economy.
  • Debt based banking system in India forces the country for FDI.
This has been an elaborate trap created by the zionist to drain the blood out of every community in the world using their poisonous system, and wipe out every culture so they can be No.1.

They enjoy human slavery, and this is the reason "Free Trade" is being introduced in India to freely trade Indian Workers from India to any European Country in the world.

They will not have to pay a dime in taxes to the government, and they will have a wild feeding frenzy by bleeding the common man dry. These monsters will never stop because this is the way they have been brought up for thousands of years.

Bharti Walmart India

Tommy Wade
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