Saturday, 2 June 2012

Little children are good cheap labor

he true depth of any corporation can be seen through the methods they use to conduct business, and the conglomerates that gave birth to the joint venture of Bharti Walmart India is the worst of them all. It feeds off the Child slavery that happens in countries like Saipan, Bangladesh, China, Uzbekistan, Mexico, Nicaragua and many other places on earth which was established by “Zealots” that owned the British, Dutch, and French East India company. 

 The power remained in the hands of the “Bourgeois Family line” that was just one of the links of the whole demonic cult that has conspired to take humanity to the deepest pit of hell. They are the kind of monsters that enjoy inflicting pain, and suffering on the people who are not a part of their cult through their massive lies as well as web of infinite deceit. On Friday, December 2, 2005, the French-language Radio Canada program Zone Libre brought the truth out in the open that WalMart uses child labour at factories in Bangladesh.

Bharti Walmart

Tommy Wade
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Monday, 7 May 2012

Profits from Child Slavery - The Everlasting Damnation

Corporations like Walmart India, and the round table of evil that enjoys using Child slavery around the planet of those people who are not a part of the "Zealot Cult". This is a war tactic used by "Zealots" for generations so they kick all the people down by attacking the weakest parts of the family. They have absolutely no regard for neither women or children, and they feel no remorse for all the people these monsters destroyed for generations. 

Walmart India

These monsters continue their onslaught towards all the countries that they have considered ripe for harvest after the dip they have experienced in the countries they were established in. Bharti Walmart India and the complete round table of evil are moving into new pastures to feed on the lives of the people who are unaware of their demonic agendas. They create "Controlled Opposition" to ensure that the people of that country do not fight back by using a psychological barrier. If people think that there is some one fighting for them then they will not rise up and fight for themselves. This is the form of warfare that the "Zealots" have used for generations, and allowed them to win using this war tactic. 
Walmart India

There is no doubt that these monsters are a threat to all life on this planet as their never ending hunger of greed keeps expanding into all dominions. They will never stop even if there is a single person left to be exploited, and they will make every possible effort to suck the life out of any thing that comes in their way. These parasites have been destroying humanity, and the planet for generations to they can rule over rest of humanity. They cannot be allowed to exist any longer if peace is to come into existence. 

Walmart India

Walmart India, and every other brand owned by "Zealots" have made sure that they exploit every man, women and child connected to their system so their need of money is satisfied. These monsters want to have the best of every thing without working for it, and they make that possible by using other people to get things done for them. This may not sound bad to most people but "human slavery" has to stop at some point. The "Zealots" have done much more to destroy humanity, and steal every thing from others. They will continue to do so until they are not destroyed, hence it is inevitable that the people of the world will rise up against the tyrannical monsters who have destroyed their lives.
Walmart India
The dark reign of Zealots will come to an end, and they will pay for every last crime they have committed around the planet. These monsters have hell to pay..

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Sunday, 29 April 2012

Corporate Monstrosity: Ordinary Blogs hacked

There is an evil force of greed that looms all over the planet to consume the lives of all the people that have become a target for their exploitation. Walmart India is one of those corporate beasts that is spreading out its corruption around the world to make up for the losses they have endured for last two years. It is not enough that they destroy all other businesses, and putting the people on the streets, but they now plan to do the same thing in outer countries by bringing in the cheap goods they manufacture from the Sweatshops from countries like Bangladesh, China, and other Asian countries that the "Zealots" deem as third world. 

Walmart India

They have been making a heavy push into the country as their Economist have plotted out that they can sustain their warped system for the next 25 years by feeding off the middle class they have allowed to grow for a bitter economic harvest. Most people are not even aware of the complete web that the Zealots have woven around them, and corporations like Bharti Walmart India are moving in for the kill.

Walmart India

There are many people fighting against the web that the Zealots have spread around them, but they keep winning because they enjoying confusing people by creating controlled opposition. They use this technique to take away the ability of the people to fight back, and it allows them to continue their manipulation till the end of time. Those people who become start enough to their tricks are coerced to keep their mouth shut. Walmart India tried to use their CFR hackers to put psychological pressure on bloggers who ave been writing against them. However, there are people who are smart enough to keep the resistance going. They hacked this common man's blog 3 times in last 5 months, and yet they have not been able to stop the people who are ready to fight against them till the end of time. 

Tommy Wade
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