Wednesday 13 February 2013

Bharti Walmart India Supports Agent Orange GMO corn

Bharti Walmart India has been spreading GMO corn in countries like USA which is supposed to have strict laws against such health hazards. The main point of these Genetically Modified foods is the mindset of the developers behind it. In their minds they are only thinking about the ways they can minimize the wastage caused in the process of production. Profits is every thing to such people, and compromising the health of the masses means absolutely nothing to them. The addition of foriegn DNA into the original seeds to help them have greater resistance to the insects or diseases that used to destroy the crops was the main objective, however the kind of issues such modified foods have within the human body are a whole other issue. 

The best part is that there are many different ways that the corporations use to keep their consumers unaware about the fact that they are being fed GMO foods. They use linguistic techniques to confuse the masses into thinking that they will be perfectly fine if they eat it. Most people do not even realize that they are eating poison, and these corporations are getting away with selling poison to the masses along with making a hefty profit at the same time. They have used many different organizations as controlled opposition to keep the masses into thinking that there is someone out there fighting for their rights when they are just hired puppets doing their job to confuse them.

This is one amazing scam that these corporations are committing, and it is flowing over to almost all the countries in the world where the legal system is much more weak. If you cannot protect yourself in a country like USA which is supposed to have laws, and activists against such acts then there is no one safe in this world any more.

Bharti Walmart India

Tommy Wade
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Tuesday 12 February 2013

India gave thumbs down to Walmart

Bharti Walmart India is the kind of corporation that does not like to hear no for an answer which is the reason that they are constantly bribing warping the laws of the country using their political connections in the zionist puppet government which was installed during the British East India company's dark reign. They are sourcing all of their goods from enslaved china which is under their direct control through communism which has made the people of that country into complete slaves who would do their bidding.

It is like a near perfect trap because the people will see absolutely no way out of the trap that has been set for them, and the best part is that this trap keeps them alive long enough to get maximum work done out of them. This the kind of demonic creatures are zealots who constantly create traps for the people, and making them think that their trap is good for them.

We are already a part of that trap, and there is absolutely no way out of it because the trap they have built i all around us. It is through the political system, education system and the monetary system that binds us all. All they have to do is control the people in the key areas so they can manipulate the masses till the end of time.  They are monsters no doubt which is the reason they have to be completely destroyed before they eat away at every thing in this world.

Bharti Walmart India

Tommy Wade
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Friday 8 February 2013

Bharti Walmart India - Collective Lobbying - Bribing Government

Bharti Walmart India has played a game from which their prey can never get out from because all the top power and money hungry corporations can attack a market collectively. Most drone like masses are never able to see the hidden agenda behind their acts, and they get ripped apart inside their web without realizing that this trap was being built around them for a very long time. 

Collective Lobbying is the ultimate method to manipulate the government to work against the people of the country, and allow the corporations to come into to destroy the people. The media helps in reprogramming the masses into thinking that it will be good for them but it is just the opposite. The people walk into their trap on their own, and they work their lives away without realizing that they have sold off their future.

Many retail corporations that are interconnected with each other have a powerful web made around the masses from which they can never get out no matter how hard they try. There are many corporations that are working together to suppress market because they have created a collective monopoly to destroy the people of the world.

They are the kind of corporations that do not work for the people but work against them to make quick profits by becoming a burden on their lives. It all starts small which people can never seem to notice, and they attack the weakest point of a person which is their ego. 

They use the media to hide their crimes, and manipulate the mindset of the people at the same time. If there is doubt then most people will never be able to target the true criminals behind the attack. This has allowed such people behind these corporations to contentiously expand into other territory by literally eliminating other businesses. 

Tesco, Mrtro AG, LIDL India, carrefour and Auchan are just few of those corporations that plan to completely take over the market where people will remain hopelessly hooked into their system where they will remain as slaves.

Bharti Walmart India

Tommy Wade
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