Thursday 15 March 2012

Debt Based Economy: Economic Terrorism

The outlandish form of Globalization true form is the New World Order which was formed by the Zealots who have been methodically corrupting humankind for their individual profit at the cost of every thing else around them. Walmart India is the product of the same monstrous greed and it has used all the tricks in the book to manipulate the world, and install its demonic system of Unsustainable Exploitation in as many countries as possible. It is a part of the European Retail Round table, and all of its members are in co-horts with each other as their all belong to the cult of the Zealots. They are the Original terrorist of the planet, who used to slit the throats of the "Romans" when they invaded and took over after the Rome - Zealot War. They are the same evil monsters who took over Britain under the veil of Norman Invasion. They are also the same people who controlled the British, French, and Dutch East India Company after the complete take over of Europe. They created the World Banking System after systematic destruction of the Whole world and created the New world Order. Using the Debt Based Economy that they installed all over the planet, they can feed off the taxes that the whole world pays to them forever. They can easily manipulate the countries through inflation and coerce people into accepting all of the business Brands. Nothing but their brands survives in a country, and people become hopelessly entrapped in their demonic web of infinite exploitation. They pay off the dummy government they installed like the Indian National congress which was created by British Zealots under the British East India Company.
Walmart India

Walmart India, Tesco, Metro AG, Starbucks, Nike, IKEA and many other analogous brands are owned by the Zealot cult that use economic warfare to subjugated humanity for generations. They are the unchanged wicked creatures who have produced and installed Communism in china to transform all of their populace into their absolute slaves as Communism suppresses all spiritual awareness which makes a nation weak, and powerless to fight back. These evil monsters re-write history, and distort people's minds so they can linger forever entrapped in their evil system. This allows them to enslave all the people and make them work for them till the end of time. These backstabbing, deceitful, bloodsucking vermin are not only a burden on humanity but they have no ability to create any thing positive. They create situations where the prices of the commodities inflate unnaturally so that people end up paying more out of their pockets. They even mislabel brands to give people substandard items which can be easily noticed by the recent Pork Scam done by Walmart in China

Walmart India

Walmart India is waiting for the new budget that is coming out on Friday 16th, March 2012, and expecting that Finance Minister Pranab Pukherjee will allow the Zealots to install their system in this country. If these brands are allowed to enter this country, then it will be proven that the “Zealot” creatures control the Government of India, and the only way to stop their onslaught towards the people of the world would be their complete destruction. The plays Economic Warfare by entering an economy forcefully, and then pretending to compete with other Brands that are owned by the Zealots too. This helps them create an illusion that competition exist in the minds of their victims, but in true essence they are trying to eliminate all competition so they can feed off our lives forever. They have to be destroyed completely if we are to have a future, they have been destroying us for generations and its time for payback.
Walmart India

Walmart India intends to manipulate this country by using Debt Based Economy that was installed by "British Zealots" under the mask of the British East India Company, which enables them to control this country by "Remote Control". All they have to do is pull the strings on one side, and the prices blow up according to their desires. They intend to keep people of the world is their slaves everlastingly so they can live a bountiful life, but that is not all they intend to manipulate history so they can pretend to be the creators when all they are capable of are just massive falsehood and trickery. These evil creatures have to be destroyed for the safety of human race, and they have to pay for all the atrocities they have done for over 2500 years all over the planet.

Tommy Wade
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Thursday 8 March 2012

Walmart corrupts Future using Child Slavery

Walmart India, Tesco, Gap, Macy, H&M, Carrefour, Starbucks,7-eleven, IKEA and Metro AG are just a few names of the corporate terrorist that have been blossoming around the world through the systematic destruction of humanity for hundreds of years. The true faces behind these so-called Fortune 500 companies are the same “Terrorist” that used to own the British, French and Dutch East India company. They have used all their accumulated wealth to created a world wide system of extreme exploitation that is destroying the lives of almost all the people of the planet. The people behind these global corporations are called “Zealots” who are the original terrorist of the planet. They are the same evil “Terrorist” who used to slit the throats of Celtic Romans, just because they were trying to fight back their demonic rule over them. The “Zealots” used to find slitting the throats of “Romans” smart, and they feel no remorse for the murders they committed.

Walmart India

Walmart India is an ugly corporate terrorist that uses Young women and Children to work in their Sweatshops in countries like Bangladesh, China, Mexico, and Uzbekistan where they are forced to work for more than 87 hours a week. They are paid $0.09 to $0.20, and they have no other benefits or even maternity leave. Bangladeshi labor law has the limit of 58 hours with 12 hours overtime, which has been clearly violated by these corporate terrorist.

Walmart India

Walmart India feels no remorse as Child Slavery comes cheap, and many children can be found slogging a 12 hour shift in sweatshops created by the “Zealots” in Cambodia. Their facilities are rat infested, and their dorms are without running water. The women, and children are forced to work overtime, and work seven days a week. They suffer massive physical and emotional abuse which leaves them almost helpless, and completely unable to speak out against their tormentors. When the heat comes on these evil monsters, they just move from one sweatshop to another to avoid all responsibility. The Zealots have created these Sweatshops of extreme exploitation to destroy humanity, and their depraved system allows them to have a jolly good time with the blood money they make off the people of the world. 

Walmart India

Walmart India along with its many other similar brands that are owned by the “Zealot Cult” enjoy their lives as they make billions over the lives of the people they have enslaved over hundreds of years. These evil creatures spread disinformation through misleading advertisements, and online promotion to over-simplify, and create fraud articles to portray themselves as “Saints” when they continue their profiteering racket through sweatshops around the world. 

Tommy Wade
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Walmart's bullish Corporate Terrorism thwarted in India

Walmart India, Tesco, Gap, Macy, H&M, Carrefour, Starbucks,7-eleven, IKEA and Metro AG are playing a slick corporate con-game around the world through a system which was built by the cult that has been destroying humanity for hundreds of years. They are the same "Norman Cult" that took over "Britain" under "William the conqurer", and have been hiding in plain sight using psychological warfare which they have been using against their prey for hundreds of years. Their con-game relies on manipulating the beliefs of their prey, and manipulating their minds through the indoctrination they have placed in a slick manner through every means possible. Their system is huge which gives them the confidence that they will always get away with the crimes they commit against humanity, however they themselves know their "Doomsday" is coming. The "Norman" cult wrote about their own "Doomsday" in their Doomsday Book", and this is the year that their demonic reign on humanity will come to an end. 

Walmart India

Walmart India is the dark product of the same greed that has destroyed many lives for hundreds of years around the world by the same cult that has warped the minds of the people through all mediums possible. However, truth can never remain hidden forever, no matter how hard the manipulators try. The accumulated evil of their deeds will eventually destroy them. The "Zealot Cult" that used to "Slit" the throats of Romans just because they were trying to fight back for their survival, was considered "Fashionable" by these evil beasts. After they won over the Romans, they manipulated history to make the Victims look like the bad guys, when the true victimzers took every thing from their victims. Their evil has taken the form of the modern "Debt based" banking system that has enslaved humanity, which gives the "Zealot Cult" different ways to manipulate people around the world.

Walmart India
Walmart India has tried to hack the blog, and personal computer of the people living in this country who tried to fight back their over Zealous attack towards them. This has provoked the people of India to fight back with even greater force which cannot be stopped by any means. The harder these evil monsters push, the greater the people of India will fight back. The people of India still remember the atrocities, and psychological warfare used by the "Evil Zealot Cult"through the British, French, and Dutch East India Company. Indians are completely aware of the fact that it is the Zealot cult that owns the "British Commonwealth". Their dark dominion over this planet will come to an end this year, and there is nothing that the Zealot Cult can do to stop their inevitable end.

Walmart India
Walmart India will pay for all the lives they have stomped on around the world, and the people behind the scenes will pay a heavy price for their atrocities. This Con-game of infinite exploitation will come to an end, and these evil creatures will pay for their crimes against humanity. This war will never end till the Zealot Cult is destroyed. They should prepare themselves for their inevitable annihilation that they are going to face in the near future.

Tommy Wade
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