Thursday 8 March 2012

Walmart uses forced child labor in Uzbekistan

Walmart India, Tesco, Gap, Macy, H&M, Carrefour, Starbucks,7-eleven, IKEA and Metro AG are the ultimate example of corporate deception who pretend to work for the benefit of the people yet make every effort to destroy their lives slowly so no one would ever realize what is happening to them. They slowly eat away at every thing that is thriving so their stocks holders can remain happy. The putrid greed that lies at the dark heart of these evil beasts can be seen in the global cost that humanity bears every single day. These monsters keep their onslaught towards humanity so they can live at the cost of other people’s lives. 

Walmart India

Walmart India is an ugly corporate beast that creates poverty in every country it lays its predatory paws on. Uzbekistan was no different as it is the world third largest producer of Cotton is, and children are forced to work on the cotton field just because they are cheap labor. Corporate beasts like Walmart pretend to sign not to buy cotton from such countries which is all a part of their PR plan to keep their slate clean just my manipulating the information that flows in the media. Ignorance is the ultimate weapon these evil monsters use against humanity, and it has allowed such evil monsters to thrive for many years. These evil roots were laid down for centuries; this is the reason why such evil corporations tend to get away easily. The owners of these fortune 500 companies are the same monsters who owned the British, French, and Dutch East India Company. They have formed a global conglomerate after years of global exploitation to keep their demonic web of control over humanity forever. 

Walmart India

Walmart India has been caught in many countries like China, Mexico and Bangladesh feeding off child labor which is a clear proof that they are doing the same thing in Uzbekistan. All they have to do is keep the general public in ignorance, which has allowed these evil creatures to feed off the futures of hundreds of children around the world. These evil monsters have to be destroyed because they will do any thing to keep their demonic web of control over humanity forever.

Walmart India

Walmart India is still trying to expand around the world so that they can make up for the lost profits in last two years. They are expanding in many states within the United States of America, and many people are against their forceful expansion. The world has had enough of these evil monsters, and their dark core has to be revealed. These evil fortune 500 companies are owned by the same “Norman Cult” that took over Britain under “William the conquer”. They have used Psychological warfare to manipulate their enemies, and feed off their lives for centuries. The “Doomsday” for the “Norman cult” is at hand, and they will pay for all the atrocities they have done for over 2500 years against humanity. Nothing can stop their inevitable end.

Tommy Wade
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Thursday 1 March 2012

Walmart pressurizes India through Debt Based Economy

Walmart India is doing its level best to suppress the voices of the common people, and suppressing their voices by manipulating the economy of the country which was built with “Debt Based Economy. This warped system was built to create infinite Debt which is manipulated though the “World Bank”. They use the “World Bank” to give loans with massive interest rates that the people of the country keep paying till the end of time. This Banking system was built by the same people who owned the British, French, and Dutch East India Company. The Independence of India was a complete fraud because it allowed them to control the people of this country with a remote control puppet government that they installed and can be manipulated though the people installed in the Government. The new people that come around can be easily controlled by just flashing some money in their faces.

Walmart India

 Walmart India will not stop its over-zealous attack towards the people of this country, and they intend to manipulate the minds of the common people by making them fall to the rising "Inflation". The time has come that the people of the world will wake up to the disgusting, backstabbing, and underhanded system that was created by the "Zealots" to suppress and enslave the people of the world forever. They created dreams in "America" but all those dreams were built on a system of lie, deception and fraud of the highest level. Such a demonic system is bound to fall, and any thing that tries to sustain itself from such a weak system is bound to be destroyed. The game of the "Demonic Zealots" comes to an end, and the people of the world will not take their backstabbing ways any more.


Walmart India is built by the same people who control the "World Bank" and the "Federal Banking system" which enables them to manipulate all the people of the world. They have no consideration of the human cost of the exploitation that they commit because they have been doing this for generations. The "British East India Company", and its atrocious crimes against the world was proof enough. They used all the resources in the hands to destroy all the native businesses, and slowly install their industrial goods so that all the money in an economy comes into their pockets and they can live a lavish life forever.

Walmart India
Walmart India will use its "Undercutting" tactics to destroy local businesses further, and there will be nothing left for the common people. As more native companies go out of business, there will be more unemployment in the country, and it will also lead to the rise in crime rate as well. This amazing system of infinite exploitation will never stop unless the source of all evil is destroyed completely.

Tommy Wade
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Monday 27 February 2012

Walmart India feeds on Dead peasants

Walmart India is a notorious evil corporation who has already laid down the roots to invade this country, and using its corporate buddies Tesco, Carrefour, Starbucks,7-eleven, IKEA and Metro AG to surround the market from all sides. This will give them a chance to pressurize this country completely.

Walmart India

Walmart India is known to take out “Dead Peasant Life insurance” on its employees without their approval or knowledge and the company is the beneficiary of this insurance. This allows them to evade taxes at a massive scale, and even have a choice to take up loans against these massive insurance policies. In a country like “America” itself, where it is illegal to take insurance on people without their knowledge, these evil corporation has been doing it for years. 

Walmart India

Walmart India will do the same thing in this country, and they will evade taxes using this policy. This will in turn affect the lives of the people in this country because they will have to work harder to pay taxes to compensate for the deficit created by this massive evil corporate beast. It is not enough for them that they are going to destroy small businesses in their path, they will put this country on a greater debt using this demonic technique to feed off our lives forever. These monsters will never stop until they are destroyed.

Walmart India

Walmart India is a company without any conscience as they are more than happy to trample on hundreds of lives and continue to do so for years. Their evil roots have to be burnt apart before they destroy every thing in this world with their poisonous greed. There are many other corporations that follow the same pattern of putrid greed that is owned by the same demonic cult AT&T, Dow Chemical, Nestle USA, Procter & Gamble and Walt Disney. They are a part of singular cult that is feeding off the lives off people systematically as it is a fully planned effort towards destroying lives which they intend to continue.

Tommy Wade
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