Showing posts with label Mexico. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mexico. Show all posts

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Child Slavery: “Joy-Joy” Feelings for walmart

Walmart India, Tesco, Gap, Macy, H&M, Carrefour, Starbucks,7-eleven, IKEA and Metro AG are the Brand Names that have developed themselves through coercive manipulation of humanity for generations. Their true mindset can be seen from the elimination of native industries, and the rise in poverty in the regions they enter. Their Economic war tactic lies in subtly, as they manipulate people slowly so that they never realize what happened to them. Ignorance of the masses has been their ultimate weapon, and they have been feeding off the destruction of the people for hundreds of years. Their true face lies in Europe when the Zealots took over Rome, and installed their “Pretenders” to the thrones slowly. Through generations of manipulation they took over Europe, created their warped system of lies, and deception so they can rule over humanity forever. They created “Child Slave Labor” in the countries they destroyed under the dark veil of their inquisions, and systematic takeover through the British, Dutch, and French East India Company. 

Walmart India

Walmart India and its corporate buddies are ultimate corporate terrorist who have enjoyed their billions over the destruction of millions of lives through their web of deceit. Then they gave themselves the term of “Fortune 500 companies” after they made their billions over the slavery of humanity. These evil creatures have no remorse as the lives of innocent children are destroyed by their manipulation. They bank on the fact that people will do any thing when they are hungry, hence they manipulate the basic needs of the people to suck the life out of them slowly through their corporate system. Their system is built to exploit people specifically as we all know about the hundreds of lawsuits against Walmart for many child labor violations.

Walmart India

Walmart India was created by the same Zealots who used to find it fashionable to slit the throats of Romans so that they are not able to fight back against them. They even warped history to suit their needs, and present the victims as the Victimizers. This is the ultimate warfare tactic played by the evil creatures known as Zealots, as they also warped the history of India after they destroyed this country through British, French, and Dutch East India Company. 

Walmart India

Walmart India uses Young women and Children to work in their Sweatshops in countries like Bangladesh, China, mexico, and Uzbekistan where they are obligated to work for more than 87 hours a week. They are paid $0.09 to $0.20, and they have no other reimbursement or even maternity leave. Bangladeshi labor law has the limit of 58 hours with 12 hours overtime, which has been clearly violated by these corporate terrorist. The Zealots have made it their agenda to destroy humanity for their rotting greed as they take away our future through every means necessary. These evil monsters must be destroyed if the world is to survive.

Tommy Wade
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Thursday, 8 March 2012

Walmart corrupts Future using Child Slavery

Walmart India, Tesco, Gap, Macy, H&M, Carrefour, Starbucks,7-eleven, IKEA and Metro AG are just a few names of the corporate terrorist that have been blossoming around the world through the systematic destruction of humanity for hundreds of years. The true faces behind these so-called Fortune 500 companies are the same “Terrorist” that used to own the British, French and Dutch East India company. They have used all their accumulated wealth to created a world wide system of extreme exploitation that is destroying the lives of almost all the people of the planet. The people behind these global corporations are called “Zealots” who are the original terrorist of the planet. They are the same evil “Terrorist” who used to slit the throats of Celtic Romans, just because they were trying to fight back their demonic rule over them. The “Zealots” used to find slitting the throats of “Romans” smart, and they feel no remorse for the murders they committed.

Walmart India

Walmart India is an ugly corporate terrorist that uses Young women and Children to work in their Sweatshops in countries like Bangladesh, China, Mexico, and Uzbekistan where they are forced to work for more than 87 hours a week. They are paid $0.09 to $0.20, and they have no other benefits or even maternity leave. Bangladeshi labor law has the limit of 58 hours with 12 hours overtime, which has been clearly violated by these corporate terrorist.

Walmart India

Walmart India feels no remorse as Child Slavery comes cheap, and many children can be found slogging a 12 hour shift in sweatshops created by the “Zealots” in Cambodia. Their facilities are rat infested, and their dorms are without running water. The women, and children are forced to work overtime, and work seven days a week. They suffer massive physical and emotional abuse which leaves them almost helpless, and completely unable to speak out against their tormentors. When the heat comes on these evil monsters, they just move from one sweatshop to another to avoid all responsibility. The Zealots have created these Sweatshops of extreme exploitation to destroy humanity, and their depraved system allows them to have a jolly good time with the blood money they make off the people of the world. 

Walmart India

Walmart India along with its many other similar brands that are owned by the “Zealot Cult” enjoy their lives as they make billions over the lives of the people they have enslaved over hundreds of years. These evil creatures spread disinformation through misleading advertisements, and online promotion to over-simplify, and create fraud articles to portray themselves as “Saints” when they continue their profiteering racket through sweatshops around the world. 

Tommy Wade
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Walmart uses forced child labor in Uzbekistan

Walmart India, Tesco, Gap, Macy, H&M, Carrefour, Starbucks,7-eleven, IKEA and Metro AG are the ultimate example of corporate deception who pretend to work for the benefit of the people yet make every effort to destroy their lives slowly so no one would ever realize what is happening to them. They slowly eat away at every thing that is thriving so their stocks holders can remain happy. The putrid greed that lies at the dark heart of these evil beasts can be seen in the global cost that humanity bears every single day. These monsters keep their onslaught towards humanity so they can live at the cost of other people’s lives. 

Walmart India

Walmart India is an ugly corporate beast that creates poverty in every country it lays its predatory paws on. Uzbekistan was no different as it is the world third largest producer of Cotton is, and children are forced to work on the cotton field just because they are cheap labor. Corporate beasts like Walmart pretend to sign not to buy cotton from such countries which is all a part of their PR plan to keep their slate clean just my manipulating the information that flows in the media. Ignorance is the ultimate weapon these evil monsters use against humanity, and it has allowed such evil monsters to thrive for many years. These evil roots were laid down for centuries; this is the reason why such evil corporations tend to get away easily. The owners of these fortune 500 companies are the same monsters who owned the British, French, and Dutch East India Company. They have formed a global conglomerate after years of global exploitation to keep their demonic web of control over humanity forever. 

Walmart India

Walmart India has been caught in many countries like China, Mexico and Bangladesh feeding off child labor which is a clear proof that they are doing the same thing in Uzbekistan. All they have to do is keep the general public in ignorance, which has allowed these evil creatures to feed off the futures of hundreds of children around the world. These evil monsters have to be destroyed because they will do any thing to keep their demonic web of control over humanity forever.

Walmart India

Walmart India is still trying to expand around the world so that they can make up for the lost profits in last two years. They are expanding in many states within the United States of America, and many people are against their forceful expansion. The world has had enough of these evil monsters, and their dark core has to be revealed. These evil fortune 500 companies are owned by the same “Norman Cult” that took over Britain under “William the conquer”. They have used Psychological warfare to manipulate their enemies, and feed off their lives for centuries. The “Doomsday” for the “Norman cult” is at hand, and they will pay for all the atrocities they have done for over 2500 years against humanity. Nothing can stop their inevitable end.

Tommy Wade
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