Showing posts with label IKEA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IKEA. Show all posts

Monday, 2 April 2012

Uninhibited lust of child slavery

The use of Child Labor to feed profiteering agendas by huge corporations in the countries they (Zealots) caused poverty to begin with. These monsters call such countries “Third world” to humiliate those people so they never stand up to fight back the manipulation that was going to be done to them in the future. The answer is more than obvious to every one in the world, yet monsters that own companies like Walmart India, Tesco, Gap, Macy, H&M, Nike, Carrefour, Starbucks,7-eleven, IKEA and Metro AG feel absolutely nothing of it. As long as they are generating cash, it is all right to destroy as many lives as possible. Why? The people who are behind these corporations are the same “Zealots” that have been corrupting the soil of earth with their demonic existence for over 2500 years. The true depth of their evil is massive, and they will stop at nothing to corrupt every thing in their path to make a quick buck. These monsters hold nothing holy except their restricted cult and every thing outside of it is dispensable. These monsters do not deserve to exist, because they are the same people who used to own the “British, French, and Dutch East India Company under the Bourgeois family line. 

Walmart India

The entire world remembers the carnage caused by “Zealots” to yoke the earth, and the slavery they created to put the rest of the world down.They took the level of slavery to a whole new level with the Debt based Economy they created after the fraud of “Independence”.  The same pattern of manipulation can be found in almost all countries, and Europe has been absolutely taken over by “Zealots” after they suppressed the native community with every resource they had at their disposal. Walmart India and the rest of their demonic conglomerates are the next stage of global destruction created by these monsters. They have to be destroyed for the survival of the planet because they have no intentions of stopping their manipulation any time soon. These monsters will continue their onslaught towards humanity until their backbone is not broken.

Walmart India

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Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Trickery of the Zealot Cult – UNI Global Union

Walmart India, Tesco, Gap, Macy, H&M, Nike, Carrefour, Starbucks,7-eleven, IKEA and Metro AG are the brands owned by the most evil force the world has ever seen known as the “Zealot Cult”. These monsters are acknowledged to be the “Original Terrorist of the planet” who have been destroying human civilization for generations through psychological warfare, and other coercive methods. These evil creatures smash all laws that protect life so they can feed off the destruction they leave behind.  The biggest examples of their dark reign on humanity would be the systematic take over of “Rome” after the “Rome- Zealot war” where these putrid monsters used to slit the throats of “Romans” just because they were trying to put up resistance. Zealots the “Victimizers”, rewrote history so they can make the victims look like thebad guys, and they can get away scott free. They also realized after generations that there will always be people who would try to resist in the future so they created “Controlled Opposition” to keep the “Goylem nations” under the control forever. If they control the opposition then they can control their cattle forever and feed off their lives forever till they co-opt every thing that belongs to the goy.

Walmart India

Looking up this article: UNI Global warns India on FDI in retail

UNI Global also said that the criticisms of Walmart do not apply to all of the foreign retailers who propose to enter the Indian market.

This is the point where the true face of this cult is revealed, when all the “foreign retailers” like Metro AG is owned by the same Zealot terrorist cult that owned the “British East India company”. UNI Global is just a propaganda machine which is being used to cut down any force that may point to the whole picture, and suppress retaliation completely.

Walmart India is a part of the conglomerate of the “Zealot Terrorist cult” who truly are scum sucking trash as there is nothing they hold sacred other than their own limited cult. These evil monsters use “mind games” to keep their prey in control so they can feed on their blood forever. These evil creatures must be destroyed so the world has a chance to exist. They are the monsters who began “Child Slavery” from England from the workhouses they created after the complete takeover of the country under the “Norman Invasion. The Norman Zealot cult used “prostution” to weaken their enemy by making their women into their sex slaves. The manipulation has been slow so the people of the world would never notice what has happened to them. It leaves the people of the world confused, and forever entrapped in the warped system of the “Zealots” 

Walmart India

Walmart India and the Zealots that control it do not like “uncontrolled opposition” hence they use the trickery of UNI Global to shut people up. How you would ask? If the “goylem’s” believe that there is some one struggling for them then they will not make an attempt to fight back, and go on with their usual life. This is the modus operandi that the “Zealots” have used for generations on earth, and it has kept them from harms way for a very long time. However, the time of the “Zealot monsters” has come to an end and these evil monsters will pay a heavy price for their monstrosity. 

Walmart India

Walmart India has been feeding off the destruction that was left behind by the “British, French, and Dutch east India Company” that was owned and controlled by the “Zealot Cult”. Their war tactic relied on corrupting different countries by taking over the monarchy, and warping their spiritual strength from within to make them weak. The Zealot monsters will pay a very heavy price, and when the world will find out the true depth of their evil – that will be their “Doomsday”, they will be wiped out from the planet. The bane of civilization will not exist, they will pay a heavy cost – it is inevitable.

Tommy Wade
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Thursday, 15 March 2012

Debt Based Economy: Economic Terrorism

The outlandish form of Globalization true form is the New World Order which was formed by the Zealots who have been methodically corrupting humankind for their individual profit at the cost of every thing else around them. Walmart India is the product of the same monstrous greed and it has used all the tricks in the book to manipulate the world, and install its demonic system of Unsustainable Exploitation in as many countries as possible. It is a part of the European Retail Round table, and all of its members are in co-horts with each other as their all belong to the cult of the Zealots. They are the Original terrorist of the planet, who used to slit the throats of the "Romans" when they invaded and took over after the Rome - Zealot War. They are the same evil monsters who took over Britain under the veil of Norman Invasion. They are also the same people who controlled the British, French, and Dutch East India Company after the complete take over of Europe. They created the World Banking System after systematic destruction of the Whole world and created the New world Order. Using the Debt Based Economy that they installed all over the planet, they can feed off the taxes that the whole world pays to them forever. They can easily manipulate the countries through inflation and coerce people into accepting all of the business Brands. Nothing but their brands survives in a country, and people become hopelessly entrapped in their demonic web of infinite exploitation. They pay off the dummy government they installed like the Indian National congress which was created by British Zealots under the British East India Company.
Walmart India

Walmart India, Tesco, Metro AG, Starbucks, Nike, IKEA and many other analogous brands are owned by the Zealot cult that use economic warfare to subjugated humanity for generations. They are the unchanged wicked creatures who have produced and installed Communism in china to transform all of their populace into their absolute slaves as Communism suppresses all spiritual awareness which makes a nation weak, and powerless to fight back. These evil monsters re-write history, and distort people's minds so they can linger forever entrapped in their evil system. This allows them to enslave all the people and make them work for them till the end of time. These backstabbing, deceitful, bloodsucking vermin are not only a burden on humanity but they have no ability to create any thing positive. They create situations where the prices of the commodities inflate unnaturally so that people end up paying more out of their pockets. They even mislabel brands to give people substandard items which can be easily noticed by the recent Pork Scam done by Walmart in China

Walmart India

Walmart India is waiting for the new budget that is coming out on Friday 16th, March 2012, and expecting that Finance Minister Pranab Pukherjee will allow the Zealots to install their system in this country. If these brands are allowed to enter this country, then it will be proven that the “Zealot” creatures control the Government of India, and the only way to stop their onslaught towards the people of the world would be their complete destruction. The plays Economic Warfare by entering an economy forcefully, and then pretending to compete with other Brands that are owned by the Zealots too. This helps them create an illusion that competition exist in the minds of their victims, but in true essence they are trying to eliminate all competition so they can feed off our lives forever. They have to be destroyed completely if we are to have a future, they have been destroying us for generations and its time for payback.
Walmart India

Walmart India intends to manipulate this country by using Debt Based Economy that was installed by "British Zealots" under the mask of the British East India Company, which enables them to control this country by "Remote Control". All they have to do is pull the strings on one side, and the prices blow up according to their desires. They intend to keep people of the world is their slaves everlastingly so they can live a bountiful life, but that is not all they intend to manipulate history so they can pretend to be the creators when all they are capable of are just massive falsehood and trickery. These evil creatures have to be destroyed for the safety of human race, and they have to pay for all the atrocities they have done for over 2500 years all over the planet.

Tommy Wade
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Thursday, 8 March 2012

Walmart's bullish Corporate Terrorism thwarted in India

Walmart India, Tesco, Gap, Macy, H&M, Carrefour, Starbucks,7-eleven, IKEA and Metro AG are playing a slick corporate con-game around the world through a system which was built by the cult that has been destroying humanity for hundreds of years. They are the same "Norman Cult" that took over "Britain" under "William the conqurer", and have been hiding in plain sight using psychological warfare which they have been using against their prey for hundreds of years. Their con-game relies on manipulating the beliefs of their prey, and manipulating their minds through the indoctrination they have placed in a slick manner through every means possible. Their system is huge which gives them the confidence that they will always get away with the crimes they commit against humanity, however they themselves know their "Doomsday" is coming. The "Norman" cult wrote about their own "Doomsday" in their Doomsday Book", and this is the year that their demonic reign on humanity will come to an end. 

Walmart India

Walmart India is the dark product of the same greed that has destroyed many lives for hundreds of years around the world by the same cult that has warped the minds of the people through all mediums possible. However, truth can never remain hidden forever, no matter how hard the manipulators try. The accumulated evil of their deeds will eventually destroy them. The "Zealot Cult" that used to "Slit" the throats of Romans just because they were trying to fight back for their survival, was considered "Fashionable" by these evil beasts. After they won over the Romans, they manipulated history to make the Victims look like the bad guys, when the true victimzers took every thing from their victims. Their evil has taken the form of the modern "Debt based" banking system that has enslaved humanity, which gives the "Zealot Cult" different ways to manipulate people around the world.

Walmart India
Walmart India has tried to hack the blog, and personal computer of the people living in this country who tried to fight back their over Zealous attack towards them. This has provoked the people of India to fight back with even greater force which cannot be stopped by any means. The harder these evil monsters push, the greater the people of India will fight back. The people of India still remember the atrocities, and psychological warfare used by the "Evil Zealot Cult"through the British, French, and Dutch East India Company. Indians are completely aware of the fact that it is the Zealot cult that owns the "British Commonwealth". Their dark dominion over this planet will come to an end this year, and there is nothing that the Zealot Cult can do to stop their inevitable end.

Walmart India
Walmart India will pay for all the lives they have stomped on around the world, and the people behind the scenes will pay a heavy price for their atrocities. This Con-game of infinite exploitation will come to an end, and these evil creatures will pay for their crimes against humanity. This war will never end till the Zealot Cult is destroyed. They should prepare themselves for their inevitable annihilation that they are going to face in the near future.

Tommy Wade
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Walmart uses forced child labor in Uzbekistan

Walmart India, Tesco, Gap, Macy, H&M, Carrefour, Starbucks,7-eleven, IKEA and Metro AG are the ultimate example of corporate deception who pretend to work for the benefit of the people yet make every effort to destroy their lives slowly so no one would ever realize what is happening to them. They slowly eat away at every thing that is thriving so their stocks holders can remain happy. The putrid greed that lies at the dark heart of these evil beasts can be seen in the global cost that humanity bears every single day. These monsters keep their onslaught towards humanity so they can live at the cost of other people’s lives. 

Walmart India

Walmart India is an ugly corporate beast that creates poverty in every country it lays its predatory paws on. Uzbekistan was no different as it is the world third largest producer of Cotton is, and children are forced to work on the cotton field just because they are cheap labor. Corporate beasts like Walmart pretend to sign not to buy cotton from such countries which is all a part of their PR plan to keep their slate clean just my manipulating the information that flows in the media. Ignorance is the ultimate weapon these evil monsters use against humanity, and it has allowed such evil monsters to thrive for many years. These evil roots were laid down for centuries; this is the reason why such evil corporations tend to get away easily. The owners of these fortune 500 companies are the same monsters who owned the British, French, and Dutch East India Company. They have formed a global conglomerate after years of global exploitation to keep their demonic web of control over humanity forever. 

Walmart India

Walmart India has been caught in many countries like China, Mexico and Bangladesh feeding off child labor which is a clear proof that they are doing the same thing in Uzbekistan. All they have to do is keep the general public in ignorance, which has allowed these evil creatures to feed off the futures of hundreds of children around the world. These evil monsters have to be destroyed because they will do any thing to keep their demonic web of control over humanity forever.

Walmart India

Walmart India is still trying to expand around the world so that they can make up for the lost profits in last two years. They are expanding in many states within the United States of America, and many people are against their forceful expansion. The world has had enough of these evil monsters, and their dark core has to be revealed. These evil fortune 500 companies are owned by the same “Norman Cult” that took over Britain under “William the conquer”. They have used Psychological warfare to manipulate their enemies, and feed off their lives for centuries. The “Doomsday” for the “Norman cult” is at hand, and they will pay for all the atrocities they have done for over 2500 years against humanity. Nothing can stop their inevitable end.

Tommy Wade
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Monday, 27 February 2012

Walmart India feeds on Dead peasants

Walmart India is a notorious evil corporation who has already laid down the roots to invade this country, and using its corporate buddies Tesco, Carrefour, Starbucks,7-eleven, IKEA and Metro AG to surround the market from all sides. This will give them a chance to pressurize this country completely.

Walmart India

Walmart India is known to take out “Dead Peasant Life insurance” on its employees without their approval or knowledge and the company is the beneficiary of this insurance. This allows them to evade taxes at a massive scale, and even have a choice to take up loans against these massive insurance policies. In a country like “America” itself, where it is illegal to take insurance on people without their knowledge, these evil corporation has been doing it for years. 

Walmart India

Walmart India will do the same thing in this country, and they will evade taxes using this policy. This will in turn affect the lives of the people in this country because they will have to work harder to pay taxes to compensate for the deficit created by this massive evil corporate beast. It is not enough for them that they are going to destroy small businesses in their path, they will put this country on a greater debt using this demonic technique to feed off our lives forever. These monsters will never stop until they are destroyed.

Walmart India

Walmart India is a company without any conscience as they are more than happy to trample on hundreds of lives and continue to do so for years. Their evil roots have to be burnt apart before they destroy every thing in this world with their poisonous greed. There are many other corporations that follow the same pattern of putrid greed that is owned by the same demonic cult AT&T, Dow Chemical, Nestle USA, Procter & Gamble and Walt Disney. They are a part of singular cult that is feeding off the lives off people systematically as it is a fully planned effort towards destroying lives which they intend to continue.

Tommy Wade
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Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Walmart will use Labor Outsourcing in India

Walmart India, Tesco, Carrefour, Starbucks,7-eleven, IKEA and Metro AG take extreme measures to keep up with their dwindling profits which solely depends on exploitation of all the people connected to their system. Their inhuman corporate tactics can be easily noticed when their main ideology is to make swift profits at any costs. These costs are generally the human costs that all the people of the planet incur due to their near infinite greed.

Walmart India

The poverty created in "Asian" countries was done under the dark reign of "British, French, and Dutch East India company that was lead by the same system of bourgeois, who control every system to create a perfect system of extreme exploitation. The people behind this system are known as "Zealots" who are the first people known on the planet to be connected with the term "Terrorism". 

Walmart India is the undying proof of that poisonous system that is destroying humanity at a whole new level. Their infinitely evil mind only revolves around making profits, and humanity has been suffering to the absolute limits.

Walmart India

They have been selling poisoned "Baby Formula" which is mass produced in china itself. The 2008 scam, when over 6000 babies in "China" died of melamine poisoning did not deter them from keep selling the same trash in United States of America.

Walmart India

In December 2011, a baby in America also died of Melamine poisoning of contaminated "Baby Formula". This is the undying proof that they care not even for little babies when it comes down to generating their profits. These evil monsters are a burden to humanity, and they need to pay for every last atrocity they have done on this planet. They have to be punished for all the global crimes they are liable for, before they completely destroy every thing on this planet with their putrid greed.

Walmart India will create a similar system of exploitation and they will not allow any formation of labor unions so that the people who get exploited will have no way of asking for justice. All this company will have to do is pay off the politicians to keep the common people quiet and the game will be over there and then. This is what these corporate monsters bank on and have been succeeding in many such countries that they destroyed under the dark veil of the East India company.

Tommy Wade
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Monday, 20 February 2012

India Hates Walmart, Absolutely

Walmart India, Tesco, IKEA, Starbucks, Carrefour, 7-eleven and Metro AG have invaded this country when people of this country do not want them to destroy their fragile economy. These monsters have come into the guise that they actually want to help this country while they are infamous for human exploitation around the world. They play a slick game of deception by telling people one thing and then stabbing them in the back when they have their complete trust. They have gotten away with many atrocities they have been committing for years because they have many high powered lawyers to get them out of any situation that arises against them. 

Walmart India

Walmart India is trying to use Indian National congress to invade this country, which is why the new leaders of this part are barking about how "India" needs FDI. The corporate terrorist will eventually take over every thing people will have no way of fighting back the demonic system of control they want to install at a micro level in this country. They want to exploit the huge population of this country so they can make profits for many years to come. In the process of their extreme exploitation in the name of "Progress" many people who will be hopelessly connect to it will suffer unimaginably. They will have work more to survive, and they will have to end up eat the genetically modified inferior food that these evil corporations will mass produce. 

Walmart India
Walmart India has been making its millions from the horrifying exploitation they have done in Asian countries with the workhouses they have installed by strong arming the common people and controlling the people in the government. They manipulate the media and make people think that its the government of that particular country  making it happen. But in fact, it is the Zealot cult, that controls all these evil corporations are feeding off the exploitation, lies and deception they have created for years. 

Walmart India
Walmart India will not survive because of all the evil they have committed against the world, and they will pay for every last crime against humanity they have done. It does not matter if they are part of the freemason cult or are a part of the same group that is trying to create one world government, the end of such evil is eminent. They will pay for their crimes, and nothing can stop their demise. 

Tommy Wade
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