Showing posts with label walmart lucknow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label walmart lucknow. Show all posts

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Walmart's Controlled Lobbying Panel India

Walmart is going to destroy Indian economy by predatory pricing which is done with controlled human exploitation found in China, and Bangladesh Sweatshops.

The fraudulent lobbying  review happening in the "Media" is just another propaganda run by the zealots to make their prey think that something is happening in the backdrops to stop walmart's invasion. But, that is just another lie in the long list of deception that zealots know how to do best. 

Manipulating economies to feed a every hungry engine of greed has been the specialty of such demonic corporate entities that thrives on human suffering. 

Such corporations are controlled by Zealots that owned the British East India Company through which Communism was installed in India, and China

This is a system that gives all the power over the people to one man, and all the zealots have to do is control the man on the top to use the population as slaves till the end of time. 

This is exactly what has happened in China, and the people keep on going because they have nothing else but to depend on the controlled puppet government that was created to control their lives in turn. 

You can find many zealots in the country fluent in Cantonese because it allows them to haggle the lowest prices from the dealers in the country. It is an amazing scam where all you have to do is feed off the margins, and live like a king. 

They also get to make sure that the worst of goods goes into the countries they want to suppress so that they are never able to com up against them in the future. They are masters of psychological warfare, and they use all the media in the world that they control to suppress all the cultures in the world so they are the ones in complete control. 
This is a demonic plot that has been developing for over 2500 years, and if you ask them then you will get a simple answer, "its strictly business!" Of course, this is all about money, regardless of the fact that people burn for the billions that they enjoying showing off, but we all know the price for it, because we are the ones paying for it at the end of the day.

Slavery on a global scale, that has been their dream that has come to live and the best part is that the people of the world do not even realize it when it is happening right in their face. 

Ignorance is a powerful weapon used by the zealots to keep their prey suppressed, and continue their atrocities using the very laws that are supposed to protect the innocent people. But the laws of the world are being used by the ultimate predators to destroy our lives in return.  

Bharti Walmart India

Tommy Wade
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Sunday, 24 February 2013

Bharti Walmart India - Predatory Economic Entrapment

Bharti Walmart India is funded and controlled by the Zionist as this just one of the brand name that they are using to attack every economy in the world so they can feed off the lives of all the people in the world using the elaborate trap they have woven around millions of people throughout the years. This is a corporation that has been funded by EL Rothschilds Group that are the same people that controlled the British East India company. They are the same monsters that created the concept of Communism that was installed in China, and transformed the common people into complete slaves. Now they have absolutely no choice but to work in the Workhouses created for them to let their families survive.

Many of their agents have been placed in china to haggle with the Chinese to get the lowest price on their produce, and sell the products all over the world to feed of the massive margins. This has been their plot for a very long time, and they have used this technique to destroy many business in places like Thailand where 70 % of mom and pop stores closed down when Walmart came into their domain. Now, 7 eleven is playing the same thing by placing their stores every where so they can drain the lives of the people completely. 

Their parasitical nature never changes because they create traps in every sphere, and  warp the minds of the people by manipulating the media. They use other fear tactics to suppress the people, and they also use the political system to gain advantage on the masses. They use their high-paid lawyers to suppress any, and all opposition against them, and give their poisonous system the long life that they have enjoyed. 

They use their elaborate traps in such a manner that their prey walk right into them because they think that it will be good for them but when they enter their trap it is already too late. There is no way out left for them, and they get ripped apart inside. Their lives are used as fodder to fuel their system, and this can be seen through the economic, and political system that they installed through the British East India company in many countries.

Bharti Walmart India

Tommy Wade
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Thursday, 27 December 2012

Bharti Walmart India - A Kleptocrat always wins, deceptively

Bharti Walmart India is a master in the game of business which they run through deception at every level of their activities. This is a well known Kleptocrat that has been eyeing this country for many years, and now they have broken every law in the book to install their roots of evil so they can bleed the common man without them realizing it. Most people do not realize that they will open the complete flood gates of Chinese goods as the zealots have been making us get used to them over a period of time.

The chinese people have been enslaved using the concept of communism, and the whole population is now used as a manufacturing unit for the zealots who plan to use them as their slaves all over the plant. All they have to do is feed off the margins that Bharti Walmart India would make by selling cheap goods made in China all over the planet and the zealot will not have to work a single day in their life. 

Bharti Walmart India use deceptive brand names to create complete market monopoly so they can feed off human life from every sector, and all the people follow like sheep to their slaughter without realizing the impending danger that is looming over their heads. I suppose, ignorance is bliss for the masses!

Bharti Walmart India
Tommy Wade
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Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Bharti Walmart India - Shoving truth under the carpet via Deniability

Bharti Walmart India has the financial power, and the connections in every sphere to shove truth under the carpet by manipulating the laws so that the truth never surfaces. They use the old technique of "Plausible deniability" which was developed to hide truth from the public, and fool them perpetually from the massive deception that is happening around them. This is the same technique used by this evil corporation which is why they have been able to sustain their evil existence. These are the kind of monsters that will stop at nothing to continue their propaganda of near infinite greed. They continue the onslaught towards the common man, and they are using the political system to instill their warped roots, permanently.

Bharti Walmart India

Tommy Wade
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